Latitude :
10 35 55 S Longitude : 123 27 60 E
Altitude :
0 to 50 metres
Area :
15000 ha Wetlands: 9888 ha
Status : NULL
Legislation : NULL
Tenure : NULL
Province :  

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  Site Description  
  Two lakes occur in this site, the Lake Usipoka and Lake Undun, with average width of 3,500 and 6,388 ha respectively. The surrounding area is mainly savanna forest. Coral reefs, seagrass beds, and beaches occur on coastal area of Tanjung Pukuatu and Bakau Harlu.  
  Site Location  
  The site is located at Roti island, south-west of Timor island. The nearest town is Kupang.  
  Special Memmo  
  The site is an important endemic bird area, and possibly of high importance as a stopover place for migrating birds, such as waders and Australian Pelican.  
 List of Birds (0 species) 
 List of Mamal (0 species) 
 List of Fish (0 species) 
 List of Crustaseans (0 species) 
 List of Mollusk (0 species) 
 List of Fish (0 species) 
 List of Reptile (0 species) 
 List of Vegetation (0 species)