Site Description
Mangrove swamps forested with Nypa and Rhizophora spp, Avicennia spp, Bruguiera spp and Sonneratia spp. Tidally inundated 20-60% of soils consist of sulfaquents (potentially acid soils) and Hydraquents. Groundwater is brackish. Sometimes with a peaty layer of 0-10 cm. |
Site Location |
Special Memmo |
| List of Birds (11 species) | |
Species |
Red Data Book |
Cites |
Actitis hypoleucos | | | Anhinga melanogaster | Lower Risk | | Ardea purpurea | | | Arenaria interpres | | | Calidris canutus | | | Charadrius leschenaultii | | | Egretta alba | | | Leptoptilos javanicus | Vulnerable | | Pluvialis fulva | | | Tringa nebularia | | | Xenus cinereus | | |
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| List of Mamal (1 species) | |
Species |
Red Data Book |
Cites |
Nasalis larvatus | Vulnerable | App I |
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| List of Fish (0 species) | |
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| List of Crustaseans (0 species) | |
No data found for the provided SITE_COD.
| List of Mollusk (0 species) | |
No data found for the provided SITE_COD.
| List of Fish (0 species) | |
No data found for the provided SITE_COD.
| List of Reptile (0 species) | |
No data found for the provided SITE_COD.
| List of Vegetation (5 species) | |
Species |
Red Data Book |
Cites |
Avicennia sp. | | | Bruguiera sp. | | | Nypa fruticans | | | Rhizophora sp. | | | Sonneratia sp. | | |
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