Latitude :
2 43 3 S Longitude : 111 22 23 E
Altitude :
0 to 3 metres
Area :
84400 ha Wetlands: 0 ha
Status : Convertible production forest
Legislation : NULL
Tenure : Government of Indonesia
Province :  

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  Site Description  
  Mangrove swamps forested with Nypa and Rhizophora spp, Avicennia spp, Bruguiera spp and Sonneratia spp. Tidally inundated 20-60% of soils consist of sulfaquents (potentially acid soils) and Hydraquents. Groundwater is brackish. Sometimes with a peaty layer of 0-10 cm.  
  Site Location  
  Special Memmo  
 List of Birds (11 species) 
Species Red Data Book Cites
Actitis hypoleucos
Anhinga melanogasterLower Risk
Ardea purpurea
Arenaria interpres
Calidris canutus
Charadrius leschenaultii
Egretta alba
Leptoptilos javanicusVulnerable
Pluvialis fulva
Tringa nebularia
Xenus cinereus
 List of Mamal (1 species) 
Species Red Data Book Cites
Nasalis larvatusVulnerableApp I
 List of Fish (0 species) 
 List of Crustaseans (0 species) 
 List of Mollusk (0 species) 
 List of Fish (0 species) 
 List of Reptile (0 species) 
 List of Vegetation (5 species) 
Species Red Data Book Cites
Avicennia sp.
Bruguiera sp.
Nypa fruticans
Rhizophora sp.
Sonneratia sp.